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"Slavko Marić"
Sistem za nadzor računarske infrastrukture kao servisa (2020)
Towards an online multilingual tool for automated conceptual database design (2022-09)
D. Brdjanin, M. Grumic, G. Banjac, M. Miscevic, I. Dujlović, A. Keleč, N. Obradović, D. Banjac, D. Volas, S. Marić, Towards an online multilingual tool for automated conceptual database design, Intelligent Distributed Computing XV (SCI, volume 1089), pp. 144 - 153, Sep, 2022 -
Dijagnostika mikroračunarskuh sistema za rad u realnom vremenu (1983)
K. Bošnjak, R. Dejanović, S. Marić, Dijagnostika mikroračunarskuh sistema za rad u realnom vremenu, STED Journal, No. 5, pp. 42 - 46, 1983 -
Dynamic Task Scheduling with Precedence Constraints and Communication Delays (1999-01)
S. Marić, Z. Jovanović, Dynamic Task Scheduling with Precedence Constraints and Communication Delays, LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, Vol. 1662, pp. 77 - 92, Jan, 1999 -
Analiza i verifikacija preporuka za uspješnu redistribuciju ruta između instanci protokola rutiranja (2011-11)
Z. Dejanović, S. Marić, Analiza i verifikacija preporuka za uspješnu redistribuciju ruta između instanci protokola rutiranja, INFO M, pp. 38 - 47, Nov, 2011 -
An experiment in model-driven conceptual database design (2019-06)
D. Brdjanin, G. Banjac, D. Banjac, S. Maric, An experiment in model-driven conceptual database design, SOFTWARE AND SYSTEMS MODELING, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 1859 - 1883, Jun, 2019 -
Automatic derivation of conceptual database models from differently serialized business process models (2021-02)
D. Brdjanin, S. Ilic, G. Banjac, D. Banjac, S. Maric, Automatic derivation of conceptual database models from differently serialized business process models, SOFTWARE AND SYSTEMS MODELING, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 89 - 115, Feb, 2021 -
Automatic Derivation of the Initial Conceptual Database Model from a Set of Business Process Models (2022-01)
D. Brdjanin, A. Vukotic, D. Banjac, G. Banjac, S. Maric, Automatic Derivation of the Initial Conceptual Database Model from a Set of Business Process Models, COMPUTER SCIENCE AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 455 - 493, Jan, 2022 -
Dijagnostički podsistem mikroračunarskih sistema za rad u stvarnom vremenu (1982)
S. Marić, Ž. Grbić, Dijagnostički podsistem mikroračunarskih sistema za rad u stvarnom vremenu, JAHORINA 1982, Zbornik radova, 1982 -
DSL/780 Jezik za simulaciju kontinualnih sistema na računarima VAX 11/780 (1983-04)
S. Marić, R. Dejanović, R. Crnobrnja, DSL/780 Jezik za simulaciju kontinualnih sistema na računarima VAX 11/780, JAHORINA 1983, Zbornik radova, Apr, 1983 -
Struktura asemblera opšte namjene i generisanje ciljnog asemblera (1984-03)
D. Malešević, V. Dejanović, S. Marić, Struktura asemblera opšte namjene i generisanje ciljnog asemblera, JAHORINA 1984, Zbornik radova, pp. 155.1 - 155.8, Mar, 1984 -
Pregled i analiza hardverskih , softverskih i kadrovskih resursa na užem području Banjaluke (1993)
R. Dejanović, S. Marić, K. Bošnjak, Pregled i analiza hardverskih , softverskih i kadrovskih resursa na užem području Banjaluke, 1993 -
Razvoj kompleksnih informacionih sistema (1993)
S. Marić, R. Dejanović, K. Bošnjak, Razvoj kompleksnih informacionih sistema, 1993 -
A Novel UML Profile for Representation of a Relational Database Schema (2015)
I. Tomic, D. Brdjanin, S. Maric, A Novel UML Profile for Representation of a Relational Database Schema, EUROCON 2015 - International Conference on Computer as a Tool (EUROCON), IEEE, pp. 1 - 6, 2015 -
Evaluation of automatically generated conceptual database model based on business process model: controlled experiment (2016)
Banjac, D., Brdjanin, D., Banjac, G., Maric, S., Evaluation of automatically generated conceptual database model based on business process model: controlled experiment, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 665, pp. 134 - 145, 2016 -
Jedan pristup za reprezentaciju šeme relacione baze podataka standardnom UML notacijom (2016-03)
D. Brđanin, S. Marić, Z. Spasić Pavković, Jedan pristup za reprezentaciju šeme relacione baze podataka standardnom UML notacijom, Zbornik radova simpozijuma INFOTEH - Jahorina 2015, pp. 479 - 484, Mar, 2016 -
Controlled Experiment in Business Model-driven Conceptual Database Design (2017)
D. Brdjanin, G. Banjac, D. Banjac, S. Maric, Controlled Experiment in Business Model-driven Conceptual Database Design, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 287, pp. 289 - 304, 2017 -
An approach to automated two-phase business model-driven synthesis of data models (2017)
Brdjanin, D., Banjac, D., Banjac, G., Maric, S., An approach to automated two-phase business model-driven synthesis of data models, In: Ouhammou Y., Ivanovic M., Abelló A., Bellatreche L. (eds) Model and Data Engineering. MEDI 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10563, pp. 57 - 70, 2017 -
A UML-based approach to reverse engineering of relational databases (2017-11)
D. Vukovic, D. Brdjanin, S. Maric, A UML-based approach to reverse engineering of relational databases, Proc. of the 25th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2017, pp. 1 - 4, Nov, 2017 -
An Online Business Process Model-driven Generator of the Conceptual Database Model (2018-06)
D. Brdjanin, D. Banjac, G. Banjac, S. Maric, An Online Business Process Model-driven Generator of the Conceptual Database Model, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics - WIMS'18, pp. 16:1 - 16:9, Jun, 2018